Here’s looking at Invasion of Astro-Monster, kid.

(The things I find going through my drafts folder….)

Meanwhile, Godzilla and Rodan are tearing it up. No sign of Ghidorah. Caught two Bogie references in the space of about thirty seconds a few monster attacks ago. Nick Adams at his jaded tough guy best telling the Japanese alien scientist dame madly in love with him that their whole thing would be worth a hill of beans if the aliens destroyed Earth. And then she’s Claire Trevor in Key Largo making a scene while furtively slipping her ray gun into Nick Adams pocket just as the alien robot thugs are taking him away. Finally Godzilla and Rodin, having switched sides at some point, destroy Ghidorah in a monstrous splash with the inevitable tsunami and the world is saved. Godzilla does a monster victory stomp dance and Rodan, flaps and soars in glee. Nick Adams finds out he’s being sent back to Planet X as earth’s first ambassador. Whatever’s fair, pal, he says, this looks like beginning of a beautiful friendship.


Watched the original Godzilla, sans Raymond Burr. Oddly profound flick, a giant monster movie that leaves you brooding and unsettled, unlike a zillion other Toho movies or, say, the Giant Claw, which left me wondering about the meaningless of a life spent watching The Giant Claw. Anyway, when the scientist with the eye patch (from the war, they say, something I don’t think is mentioned in the Raymond Burr version) drops the oxygen destroyer into the fish tank and reduces its occupants to skeletons I looked at our fish tank but they were still there fully fleshed. Relief turns to guilt a few scenes later as Tokyo is aflame again. First in 1923, then 1945, and now Godzilla. Everything comes in threes.